Good job

By whatnow - 01/04/2012 02:52 - United States - Carmel

Today, I fell asleep on the couch while babysitting. When the kids' parents came home, they made fake crying noises to see if I would wake up. I slept like a baby, and by the time they finally roused me, I'd left a nice drool stain on the armrest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 857
You deserved it 34 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotPinklipstick 24

Maybe you should consider a new job. I know babysitting can be boring but this isn't a job you can slack on. Anything can happen and if you sleep that hard lives could be in danger.

You're lucky they didn't sharpie a penis on your forehead. That's what I do to babysitters who fall asleep in my house.


hotPinklipstick 24

Maybe you should consider a new job. I know babysitting can be boring but this isn't a job you can slack on. Anything can happen and if you sleep that hard lives could be in danger.

My babysitting employers usually encourage me to sleep once the kids are in bed. But it depends on the family.

Thats counted as child endangerment and neglect! You shouldn't be sleeping while the babies are awake! If you did, you so deserved it

30- I sort of understand that, but if that law was in place, wouldn't it be illegal to sleep anytime while taking care of a kid? When are parents supposed to sleep?

I think 30 means when you are being paid to take care of children. I say YDI, OP! Falling asleep while babysitting is so dangerous, and if something were to happen you would be at fault. Have a red bull next time, and you don't share those with kids either OP. :)

#32 BINGO. Hopefully by now you put 2 and 2 together and figured out that's one of the reasons why parenting is so hard. The lack of rest and sleep. If you have young kids in the house, you can't sleep when they are awake. That IS child endangerment and neglect if you do.

Who the hell falls asleep babysitting? Honestly you are a moron.

Iknoweverything 29

Like #19, I was also okay'd by families to sleep after the kids slept. HOWEVER: I always told myself before sleeping to keep an ear open. I always woke up if there was crying. Maybe times are these days, where parents don't like babysitters sleeping? Its been quite a few years since I was one. I do think that heavy sleepers probably should avoid sleeping though, since they're less likely to hear problems. BTW, I was a babysitter for 8 years, and NEVER had a situation where anyone's lives were in danger.

At least it wasn't like that earlier FML; imagine if the parents came home and saw their kid playing with your boobies whilst you were asleep! :D

It's quiet easy to fall asleep baby sitting. I usually am baby sitting from the evening to early in the morning :)

You're lucky they didn't sharpie a penis on your forehead. That's what I do to babysitters who fall asleep in my house.

Explain that one when the parents get back from date night...

33: I'm thinking the commenter IS the parent

How many babysitters have you gone through lol

Must have been dreaming of something ..nice?

x0ashleymarie 0

That's what nap time is for, and alarms.

alstbv12 13

But who will babysit the babysitters babysitter?!

Be grateful they tested you. I know it sucks but honey if anything serious had happened and you were asleep, you and the family would have to live with it forever.

pimpnainteasy 5

True statement :-) I'm a deep sleeper, I can sleep through most noises, but I wake up if someone or something walks by, or dog barks, or crying so its not too hard. Just gotta sleep at the right time, also depends how old the kid is, due to the fact that most 6 and up kids sleep through the night. So it wouldn't be a big deal

You endangered the lives of others because you decided to fall asleep. Nice going

Won't somebody please think of the children!

Lol. Consider yourself lucky they didn't turn you into an arts and crafts project or something.

Haha, that'd be a funny continuation of this story :D

Good job. Maybe they will be understanding. Good luck next time! If there is one, of course.