By Kendall14159 - 22/05/2016 02:14 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I was babysitting a 6 year-old and a 9 year-old. After they went to bed, I started working on a project for on my laptop that was due in 12 hours and fell asleep. I woke up to a dog licking my peanut buttered keyboard and the two kids sitting in the corner giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 595
You deserved it 3 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sleeping on the job..... May I recommend the little bells you can pin onto their clothes

kingdomgirl94 29

Everyone is acting like Op opted for a nap when this happened. To me it sounds like Op was just so tired they passed out the second their hands weren't busy with something. I don't know about you but if you suddenly pass out from exhaustion, you're probably not doing it on purpose. Fyl Op, talk to your teacher or prof and ask what their late policy is, most will still let you submit late but with a penalty. Then take a good long nap.


Hopefully this little incident will result in a nice raise in your pay, courtesy of the parents

At least you didn't wake up to the dog licking your peanut butter covered balls ...err I mean your ... never mind!

dapussyslayer 7

as i read "dog licking peanut butter" i instantly assumed the worst.

Sleeping on the job..... May I recommend the little bells you can pin onto their clothes

Let's just hope the kids don't call their mom a **** and you get paid.

I said don't call there mom a ****. So that they can get paid...

OP continues: "And they don't even HAVE a dog!"

I read stuff like this and I'm so happy I don't have children. Horrible little brats. And see now OP can't really complain because he fell asleep and those parents will of course use their kids to slide out of replacing/repairing OP's computer. Sorry OP

Xquisite1 28

Not everyone has ******* brats that do horrible shit like this. I have two wonderful well-mannered children thank you! Stupid misinformed bitch.

You deserve it for falling asleep while babysitting. You should know better.

Let's hope they don't call their mom a **** and you still get paid.

kingdomgirl94 29

Everyone is acting like Op opted for a nap when this happened. To me it sounds like Op was just so tired they passed out the second their hands weren't busy with something. I don't know about you but if you suddenly pass out from exhaustion, you're probably not doing it on purpose. Fyl Op, talk to your teacher or prof and ask what their late policy is, most will still let you submit late but with a penalty. Then take a good long nap.

usnwife 18

On purpose or not, if OP was that tired that the kids could cause that much harm to the computer, think of what else they could have done. When your job is to care for children you have to be able to provide care, if OP knew they were too tired they should have canceled. I'd be beyond pissed if my sitter let that happen, honestly. Im not upset about the sleeping, but you have to know yourself and that you will wake up when you need to before signing up for such a responsibility.

I'm torn on whether or not you should be compensated for this as you shouldn't have fallen asleep on the job and how do you not wake up from people being right next to you to catch them in the act of smearing your keyboard in the first place?

as a babysitter ive fell asleep at like 1-2 am in the morning after the kids are asleep and ive never got in trouble for it. It's insane to think that a babysitter could stay awake the whole time that late. i