By Bashit - 01/04/2012 01:00 - United States - Bullard

Today, I received a call from the company I applied to, only to have my father pick it up and make fun of the man's accent. They won't call me back or take any of my calls, and my dad is completely unapologetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 547
You deserved it 2 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shitty of your dad to do that, unprofessional for the company to hold that against you. Maybe you're better off.

I didn't know 5 year olds were capable of having kids.


danni218 1

ahh u got one of those dads huh...I share ur pain

i wonder if OPs dad has a job or not.

I wonder if OP has been a bratty bitch who deserved this.

Shitty of your dad to do that, unprofessional for the company to hold that against you. Maybe you're better off.

Dad has issues and the job has issues. Where is the tissue box?

bizarre_ftw 21

Email compromising pictures to his boss and all of his coworkers

OP's dad seems so mature -_- Hopefully OP doesn't turn out like him.

TravisTJC 0

I believe it's Orange Pussy. Maybe.

Octagonal Penis, last time I checked. It's a very serious condition.

How about not assuming that OP is a 30+ year-old deadbeat and that maybe they're underage or unable to fully hold their own, thus they are stuck being housed by their father with a 5-year-old mentality whom just ruined a job prospect?

Well I'm pretty sure someone underage can't apply to a professional company

I didn't know 5 year olds were capable of having kids.

I love yøu, dude. You're gønna be the first person on my favorites list.

myoukei 31

Then you'd be terrified to know that the youngest mother in history was 5 years old.

PYLrulz 17
sensoon15 7

Go to your dad's job wearing nothing and start screaming like Tarzan. They'll question how he raised you.

TheDrifter 23

Or congratulate him on it. It all depends on the kind of people he works with.

ishanisaboss 9

You should make him find you a job

xXxIracebethxXx 14

Wouldn't trust him too much with that...