Give me strength

By Michael - 05/02/2021 21:30 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, I wanted to clean my house. Of course the vacuum cleaner got stuck behind furniture multiple times. After the fifth time or so, I gave it a good pull. Now my vacuum cleaner is broken and the socket is off the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 325
You deserved it 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you uh... try MOVING the furniture?

peterblack67 9

So apparently you don't really know how to vacuum?


flagbitch 8

I have to wonder who submits these fmls sometimes, worded as if they want to stir people up by how stupid or dumb they are. I myself wrote an fml once and it took over a week to publish, and by that time the fml wasnt relevant. I'm gonna refocus on current topics and ignore anything irrelevant.

peterblack67 9

So apparently you don't really know how to vacuum?

Did you uh... try MOVING the furniture?

My granddaughter is 5 and could teach you

"It was then that Michael realized that playing Tug-O-War with his vacuum cleaner was a bad idea."

randybryant799 20

Is the first time you've ever vacuumed? You need to move the furniture.