Get out

By pipefitter28 - 27/12/2012 06:46 - Canada - Vernon

Today, I tried to impress a girl at the gym on the squat rack, but let out a big fart. She was grossed out and laughed at me with her friends. Her boyfriend came over and told me I was a dead man, and I'd better leave. I'm now the proud owner of a year membership at a gym I can't go to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 130
You deserved it 28 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can still go to that gym. You are not going by choice.

Now hold on a minute, you can't necessarily "never" go to this gym. Perhaps just go when the girl or her boyfriend isn't there? You could always tell management of some sort - if a guy is going to call you a dead man for accidentally farting, something isn't right in his head.


You can still go to that gym. You are not going by choice.

You should go to the gym OP, it's not like her boyfriend owns the gym

Dude, seriously, you really think he's gonna kill you. It's not like you knew she had a boyfriend and was trying to steal her away. You were doing what occurs naturally for every man on this planet. Farting though, didn't do you any favours.

Today, I tried to impress this girl ... Enough said. YDI, op. Have you not learned from the FML community that when you try to impress a girl it ALWAYS ends up going wrong!?

klovemachine 24

Well, 108, how is he supposed to impress a girl? With his mind? You're probably one of those sadists who wants the OP to be single his entire life :P

Go there when he isn't there. Don't be afraid you have as much right as him to be there.

fat_snooki_lol 6

If he should be afraid, why would you tell him to go when the other guy isn't there? He should man tf up and just turn up. Whatever will happen will happen. No point pussying out.

If op has as much right as the other guy, why can't op go whenever he chooses?

#18 i agree he really should man up but he should start by working out when the other guy isn't there then, when his confidence is up, he should have a talk with that guy.

Talking, in fact, does not require working out at a gym, because talking requires different muscles and also, preferably, should incorporate the proper use of his brain.

You shouldnt run away, he cant tell you what you can & cant do.. just go to the gym & make use of that membership :)

The1CalledGOAT 11

yeah, make use of that membership, pump that iron until he becomes scared of you then take his girl >:) dont kidnap her though, that is not the taking I mean

he can't tell OP what to do, but it sounds like his fists make a hell of an argument

Now hold on a minute, you can't necessarily "never" go to this gym. Perhaps just go when the girl or her boyfriend isn't there? You could always tell management of some sort - if a guy is going to call you a dead man for accidentally farting, something isn't right in his head.

Although I agree, I believe the reason he was called a dead man is because OP tried to impress gym guy's girl friend..

He only tired to impress, sounds like the boyfriend is extremely protective. OP don't worry, go to the gym and work out. By the way do not try to impress a girl at the gym. Majority of women who go to gyms are more focused in their work out. Not in focused on men at that point of the day.

Stop being such a child. Do you think that he would ravage you because you farted in front of his girlfriend? Silly

I thought not farting in public meant that men were more likely to want to ravage you all night long. I've been doing it wrong all these years.

Could be roid rage. You know how that is.

Now people can't take a fart in public without getting death sentences? That blows.

At least you didn't shit when doing squats it would have been a crappier situation

Thankfully it wasn't, otherwise we'd have to endure more of your unfunny comments.

1dvs_bstd 41

You could still be the resident comedian in the gym, lifting 10kg weights pretending like you're lifting the world... don't forget to rip it. She might actually like you after a while.

You should still go to the gym and if the guy bothers you just let out another 'accidental' fart on his face.