Fresh air

By Anonymous - 21/05/2020 02:00

Today, my parents actually kicked me into the back garden and made me sit outside for an hour so they could have sex without having to worry about me hearing them go at each other like a pair of 15-stone rabbits hopped up on Viagra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 550
You deserved it 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, generally it’s better to come up with a pretext, rather than be direct about it. Our favorite is to send the kid to walk the dog for half an hour or so. (Without saying really why) Keeps both of them out of our hair, gets him away from a screen and some exercise, and makes the dog happy. Let your parents live a little.

Could be worse, they could be divorced...


I mean, generally it’s better to come up with a pretext, rather than be direct about it. Our favorite is to send the kid to walk the dog for half an hour or so. (Without saying really why) Keeps both of them out of our hair, gets him away from a screen and some exercise, and makes the dog happy. Let your parents live a little.

I feel bad as OP is probably a teen and can't go anywhere, but the parents are also ******* stuck at home with a teen who won't LEAVE even for a walk! I don't think the parents said why, but that OP surmised it was so they could do it. (And he/she probably heard them). Want to not get stuck in that kind of situation? Take regular walks for at least 30 minutes a day. You and your parents get exercise, and you don't have to hear them! Win win win!

Ambrily 27

Kinda hard to do if you live in one of the countries that got locked down for the pandemic.

Could be worse, they could be divorced...

So what? Do you think people stop having sex when they hit a certain age? Give them some privacy once in awhile.

maybe you should leave the house more often?

More of an fml for your parents that they can’t get laid in their own house 😱

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

You are kidding, right? You're complaining that they wanted some alone time together? That they're still in love? That they understand a child will not die sitting outside for an hour? It's quarantine. You've all been stuck together a while, and it seems like it'll never end. They deserve to have some fun without worrying you'll hear it. Alternatively, WOULD YOU RATHER THEY JUST GO CRAZY AND NOT CARE WHAT YOU HEAR? That's what my parents did. You should have done something good with this opportunity, not whine and complain that your parents love and respect each other and you.

YDI. Your parents love you, but their lives can't revolve around you forever. They need space once in a while to reconnect as a couple. It's not as if they kicked you out indefinitely and you're safe where you are, so give them a break.

They should just tell you to go outside and get some exercise and be less confrontational and direct

It could be worst, they could ask you to be their cameraman