By thompson773 - 20/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I was sick on an airplane. As we were taking off, I felt like I was ready to hurl. I was sitting in the window seat and was unable to get up in time to go to the bathroom so I was forced to grab the nearest container to puke in. It was a glass of juice belonging to the woman next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 351
You deserved it 9 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taureau139 0

Just for future reference... most airlines put barf bags in all the seat pockets.


responses 0

Hmm if only there was a bag of some sort located right in the pocket in front of you. YDI for being overdramatic and not being able to think under pressure.

thats what i was going to say #3.. it's not really that bad..

taureau139 0

Just for future reference... most airlines put barf bags in all the seat pockets.

Iswear 4

Not all seats have the bags. Sometimes the steward(ess) or maintenance crew misses a seat between flights. I've been on quite a few flights and very rarely did my chair have a barf bag.

all you have to do is ask for one or two, they have them in the galleys

inerax 0

ALL airlines have barf bags for this reason........

If I were that woman, I'd understand, and be very grateful that puke hadn't been added as a new accessory to my wardrobe. But also... yeah, #7 is right. They're located at the back of the seat in front of you, easily attainable.

BARF BAG. They're obligatory on airplanes. :| And probably hold more puke than that poor woman's cup.

so??? you solved the problem in the best possible way (if there wasn't a bag that is...) so why is this a FML???