By kill the audience - 10/11/2016 17:51 - United States - Lewes

Today, I was sitting in the restaurant waiting for my blind date to come. I had sat for an hour until I finally got fed up and went to leave when at the same time the guy at the table next to me stood up to leave too. I noticed he had been sitting alone. Turns out he was my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 464
You deserved it 2 018

Same thing different taste

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Well at least you both have patience. Hopefully you realized this immediately and went to talk to him, and be able to laugh this off later on, if you guys are compatible.


Stay if he's attractive to u and run if he's not

I'm pretty sure she's not in the restaurant waiting on your advice on what to do, #1

If everyone followed your advice you'd probably have a lot of people run from you.

that's a disgrace to what glenn guagmire would say.

Well at least you both have patience. Hopefully you realized this immediately and went to talk to him, and be able to laugh this off later on, if you guys are compatible.

Agreed, and they'd also have a really good 'how we met' story to tell people

Hmm, and you never once thought about calling...not to be rude but YDI

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ChiefKoala 30

What part of blind date did you not understand?

well it never said if she wore glasses or not?! obviously..

Dude... Blind date means they have never seen eachother before, so there was no way they could have recognized eachother.

#17 lol the name of the date is a bit confusing to me.. but still.

How did neither of you notice the other for a full hour? Did you meet on Plenty Of Autistic

A) that's offensive to the autistic community. B) you're the dumbass who can't read. The FML clearly states it was a BLIND date.

I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you or your community. An attempted joke I suppose.

silvermoon5033 26 It's clearly meant to be a joke, but it's retarded, since it was a blind date.

#16 are you against autistic people finding love?! heartless.

Sorry. I was just pointing out how two people couldn't look around and recognize the other's situation. Seems like someone who is trapped in their own world. Didn't mean to offend.

#23, not what I suggested. Don't need your fake outrage.

How about using your mobile phone and letting your date know you're at the spot? This is a YDI for both of you.

Not everyone has mobile phones. I have a home phone and a computer.

Did you not have your phones and ask where each other was? That is a thing nowadays.

I've never done a blind date but I'd presume that there would be some pre arranged signal or cue so that you can find each other. YDI if this was not arranged before hand

It was a blind date. op didn't arrange anything obviously

neuronerd 28

Well, if you end up liking each other and it worked out after you realized you were each other's dates, you have one of those adorably humorous "how we met" stories.