By moosemay - 06/02/2016 11:42 - Germany - W?rzburg

Today, I heard a noise in my garage so I grabbed a baseball bat and went to look. The skunk I stirred was actually better armed than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 225
You deserved it 2 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most skunks carry around baseball bats these days so I'm not surprised he was better armed than you

Pepe is always looking for love in all the wrong places.


Pepe is always looking for love in all the wrong places.

Are there paint cans in your garage, OP?

Did horror movies not teach you not to go towards the mysterious noise?

How can you not investigate a mysterious noise in your own home?

And that mentality 5, is why the psycho murderer kills everybody.

Well, in theory, you have two options: either find out what it is, or let it find YOU.

advise* Also, I can only assume the garage was dark and OP didn't see it in time.

Most skunks carry around baseball bats these days so I'm not surprised he was better armed than you

The stink bomb alone is worse than any baseball bat.

Managodess 14

I didn't know we had skunks in Germany. Hope you got the smell out though

That was my first thought, skunks are native to North America. The name "skunk" comes from the Native American word for them.

lollypop30001 19

If you smell like skunk take a bath in tomato juice it will take the smell.

It gradually takes the smell, but you'll still smell it for a while sadly

I can tell you from experience that all of those remedies only work a little bit. You'll still stink for awhile. Shit is strong!

Tomato juice mixed with lemon juice. The high acidity from the lemons helps penetrate through the oils in your skin that holds the smell.

Vodka. The cheaper, the better. And not to drink. Mix it with a little water in a spray bottle and spray away. It got the skunk smell out of my kid sister's car. We made sure she didn't drive it until it completely dried... why does my car smell like weed and booze, officer? Well, funny story... the charcoal that is left in the vodka is what absorbs the smell, that's why the cheaper, the better, less filtered.

This was eventually deemed ineffective, I think it actually only works on dogs

ColonelCusswords 24

Maybe you shoulda gone with shield rather than sword

ColonelCusswords 24

Sorry in advance for my actions. I'm pretty ******* baked

Skunks in Bavaria? I have seen raccoons here, but if there are now also skunks running free in Germany, we are doomed!!!

CheekyRaccoon 27

Fear not because we will kill'em, we may stink in the end but it is because we won the war.

this actually happened to me when I lived in the United States.

#23 Really? There ain't skunks in Murica.