By Anonymous - 31/12/2008 03:21 - France

Today, my first and only true date ended with the girl saying, "Thanks for dinner, I was hungry - and oh, by the way, I'm a lesbian." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 052
You deserved it 2 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just evil for her to do that. I hate when girls lead you on.

sneeky_fml 0

nothing, its using a guy to make him buy you dinner like a jerk


wow do most girls that are gay tell u like when u ask them,? not use u for a free meal? u should get a friend or ur sister or something to do that to her

Mister22_fml 5

Why don't you use proper grammar?

ohjees0714 1

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sneeky_fml 0

nothing, its using a guy to make him buy you dinner like a jerk

aego56 0

#5 : You don't just BECOME a lesbian - it's not like a sickness you catch or anything. #9 : There's nothing wrong with being a lesbian - it's just that this guy thought he was on a date and had a chance with a relationship. But she just said, "Thanks for the free meal" and left him. It's like paying for an absolute stranger...

That's just evil for her to do that. I hate when girls lead you on.

bossman57 2

Yeah that really does suck for a girl to do that but theres really no way to prevent it

hahaohwell 0

theres alot of lesbians who hate all guys not sayin they all do

jmiller253 0

Well how much money and time did u spend on her? What an asshole.

aww im sorry! maybe, if you still really like her, you guys could be friends.

No guy wants to be just friends with a girl they're attracted to

Embarassment 0

HA HA not the girlfriend I want.