First Dates

By sillvy - 13/01/2012 09:32 - United States

Today, I was on a date. I noticed he kept looking at my lips. Thinking he wanted to kiss me, I leaned in closer. Disgusted, he pulled away and said, "I'm sorry, but that pimple on your chin is, like, staring at me or something." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 134
You deserved it 5 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least that pimple didn't start talking to him.

Guys always say, "I like my girl natural and without make up on." Well, there you have it.


Buy better concealer, just kidding. FYL

why r people arguing on this? just let the chick get over her pain, dump the jerk and buy some stuff to get rid of her pimples. simple stop going on about it.

OP - it's called hygiene, facewash & a mirror - start using it!

**** you, kid. You obviously know nothing about pimples. Some people get them from washing their face TOO MUCH. Why? Because once you wash your face, it immediately starts reproducing the oils you just washed away. If you consistently wash your face a ton, your skin will think it's super dry therefore it will produce a hell of a lot more of the oil than it normally would have, causing you to break out. This is why you should only wash your face once a day and then use moisturizer. **Some people will argue to wash your face twice. Whatever, it's still not really excessive to do that. Also, a mirror? She knew it was there. If it didn't come to a head (ie no white spot in the middle) then she can't pop it. Concealer probably didn't do the trick because pimples like that are large and red, and will show through any makeup you put on it. If it had come to a head, if she popped it before the date it's just going to leave a swollen, angry mark on her face and the guy still would have complained. Go learn a few things, please.

Be thankful if a simple pimple bothered him then he would mostly likely bitch about every little imperfection. The irony being that he is a douche and probably has tons of imperfections but thinks he's perfect.

blair_x 12

@83, so what if he was turned off? Not everyone has sex immediately after going on a date. He shouldn't need to be 'turned on' during a date like a dinner, movie, etc. He still could've been more polite about it, regardless.

why do ppl keep suggesting makeup?! so if it was the other way round and it was the guy with a massive pimple are us girls allowed to say 'go touch up your face' or 'shoulda worn concealer!' wtf? its a part of life! shoulda walked out without a word, he didnt even deserve an explanation

Respect to the guy. At least he was honest hahaha

You should consider investing in some face wash.... As well as make up?

AvaVolterra 0

That's really rude and inconsiderate of him. If your pimple was really that bothering, I'm sure you would have taken care of it, like touch it up a bit.

If only there was something that could reflect an image of yourself that you could look into before going on dates. I may invent such a device! I'll call it.. A mirror!

Yep, because looking in a mirror will instantly get rid of any remaining pimples. Idiot. She got ready for a date. Of course she looked in a mirror.

Wow you are really up on this thread...