Fight Club

By Nose bleed - 16/04/2014 02:48 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, I was eating an apple in class. When I went to take a big bite, my teeth went right through the apple, causing me to scrape the apple right up my face. My nose then started to bleed. I'm now known as the girl who punched herself in the face with an apple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 309
You deserved it 7 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually pretty funny. I'm sorry op

an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Haha yea right! sorry OP


Well, I've gotten a bloody nose by accidentally bashing my face into the spine of a thick book. So don't feel too bad, everyone has their moments :)

Oh man I hope I know you, I too live in BC!

Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!

There are worse things to be known as!!

My advice? maybe not wait until your starving to eat...then you won't beat yourself with produce. sorry OP

Confidentkid 10

It will a funny a story for your kids some day. :)

Aww that's too bad. Hope everyone forgets it soon enough:)