By WTFruits - 29/05/2013 18:29 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, my math teacher raged at a student for eating an apple in class. As he yelled at the student, he slapped the apple out of his hand and right into my face. Everyone laughed, including the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 511
You deserved it 3 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know about Canada but I know here that could very well cost you your job.


wlddog 14

Life js full of unhappiness if you are unable to even laugh at yourself.

Life can be ruff at times; trust me I know

IT_Nird95 9

If by off you mean a royal asshat what than yeah, he's a bit off.

So? It's really not an accomplishment.

Second what? Second base? Second coming? Second thoughts? I NEED TO KNOW

But he's the first to get thumbed down, which he's probably proud of because it's a first....

perdix 29

#22, the amount of time he put in working on his brilliant comment.

drjohnnyboy 15

And you used the chance to have the second comment by stating the obvious.

uhmaizing 3

I don't know about Canada but I know here that could very well cost you your job.

In Canada too a teacher would be dismissed.

In Canada, it can very well cost the teacher his job!

It might, if someone actually complained, except students usually don't. Here, depending on the school (and the size of the school, with smaller ones having more tightly knit teachers), the teachers tend to cover each other's asses when they make bad judgement calls and try to make light of whatever happened as if a student is exaggerating. When I was in elementary school, there was a teacher from England, with obvious anger issues. He had pretty much no patience, and he yelled at least as much as he spoke normally (half the school could hear him yelling on a daily basis and the office was almost right beside his class, but the principal and other teachers allowed it to continue). I don't know why someone that testy would ever teach nine and ten year olds, but anyway... once one of the usual trouble-makers pissed him off in class and said teacher violently threw the student's desk over out of nowhere, where it nearly smacked into the kid, crashed to the floor and complete silence fell over the class after that. Stuff like this happened all the time in his class. You could tell he'd have preferred to hit him, if he could get away with it. I've had some pretty crappy teachers here (worse than Table Tosser, who should have been fired for sure. Point being, other teachers always covered for them and hid whatever happened from parents, treating students as if they were exaggerating or even outright lying. Sorry for the giant paragraphs.

Wizzlbang 10

In Canada, milk comes in bags!

The first time I saw milk in bags, I was pretty puzzled... but more puzzling still, is why you can buy bags and cartons of "**** Milk", as if writing "homogenized milk" takes too much work...

50, get a button camera. Record it. Sue the school for endangering the welfare of a minor.

Dismissed for what? I doubt the teacher's intentions were to hit the student. That sounds like an overreaction to me. And the kid took it too hard, it's not insulting that what happened happened. Even if the kid broke something it'd be a funny story to tell.

I've been in Canada my whole life and I've never once seen bagged milk D: guess I'm not living my life well enough

Bagged milk is mostly in the eastern provinces. In Alberta we have it in cardboard cartons and plastic jugs. Apparently the bagged milk stays fresher longer and tastes way better.

Wizzlbang 10

I'd agree with you if the teacher apologized, but he didn't, he laughed.

The math teacher was just trying to prove that an apple hit vectorally at a bearing of 21 degrees to (op's face) with an acceleration of 12 cm/s that the apple will... Hit op and induce laughter.

ise3 10

He could have apologized later. And OP could have left out the apology to make his life look worse

I thumbed down codezlol because he got the units of acceleration wrong... cm/s^2!

MeowZebraMeow 7

I'm Canadian and I once had a teacher who hurled a stapler across the room, just missing the student who had pissed him off, and he wasn't fired. Then again, I did grow up in a pretty shady neighborhood so there probably weren't too many teachers willing to take his place.

Mizzesbestie 13

I know right! They always cover for each other and then they act really nice in parent teacher conferences and make you look like the bad guy!

In Canada, teachers could get into trouble as simple as screaming at students, Let alone anything physical. As for bagged milk, I've only seen it in Eastern Canada, never seen any in Alberta

I would not recommend the bagged milk - once the bag is opened the milk is exposed to the air as there the bags aren't resealable. The milk starts to taste weird after a while especially if there's uncovered food in the fridge. I live in Nova Scotia and not all milk comes in bags, there's also jugs and cartoons of milk available.

That story reminds me of the my first day of geography class at high school. The teacher was giving us a lecture on how to behave properly for 45 minutes so I raised my hand and asked him "When are we going to start learning?" He then proceeded to pick my pencil case up and threw it across the room almost hitting someone in the face

I guess you were the apple of his eye! No? Okay, I'll leave now, sorry

More like the eye of his apple. Eye to his apple... Yeah I'll just go, too.

MistaBlista 9

Bad luck Brian right there.

rt567 15

That was highly inappropriate for the teacher to part take and condone laughter. Hope you are OK OP. =)

And then you discovered gravity, right?

The teacher can't do that...I hope you said something to the principle...

It's going to haunt you for a long time now, your classmates will talk about this for a while so get ready

priceyfml 7

LOL it's two ears put together if you didn't know

I thought it was a woman who only shaved 1 leg.

When I first saw it I thought it was a woman with 1 shaved leg and a ring in her ******

You know, this doesn't surprise me. I recently started a job as a temp and a lot of it involved interacting with teachers. You'd think those people would be model individuals, but sadly a lot of them are unintelligent assholes. Please report your teacher. No offense meant against the good teachers out there. Keep on being awesome.