By cocomitchie - 07/07/2021 00:01

Today, I have a serious bladder problem, which causes me to frequently urinate. If I'm unable to, I get really bad cramps. To ensure I always can go, I got a note from my doctor stating I can go during class. My professor threw it away and claimed it was fake. Hello, cramps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 148
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Your professor is a dick and you need to report him. And if he’s a professor it sounds like you’re in college - you shouldn’t need permission to go to the bathroom. Next time just walk out. Seriously. It’s a health issue and you have a note and your dick of a teacher doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Sorry that happened to you, OP :(

pretty sure that's illegal. get another note and bring it to the Dean and let the Dean know what your professor did. also, like the other person said, walk right out of class. I once asked to go to the bathroom in 8th grade (girl issues) and my teacher said no(it was a study hall so uhhh?) and I was like ok I need a pass to the principal. he asked why and I said so I can tell him you aren't letting me go to the bathroom when I have my period! and I said it loudly. he turned beat red and let me go. I told the principal anyway. he got in trouble.


Marcella1016 31

Your professor is a dick and you need to report him. And if he’s a professor it sounds like you’re in college - you shouldn’t need permission to go to the bathroom. Next time just walk out. Seriously. It’s a health issue and you have a note and your dick of a teacher doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Sorry that happened to you, OP :(

pretty sure that's illegal. get another note and bring it to the Dean and let the Dean know what your professor did. also, like the other person said, walk right out of class. I once asked to go to the bathroom in 8th grade (girl issues) and my teacher said no(it was a study hall so uhhh?) and I was like ok I need a pass to the principal. he asked why and I said so I can tell him you aren't letting me go to the bathroom when I have my period! and I said it loudly. he turned beat red and let me go. I told the principal anyway. he got in trouble.

Marcella1016 31

Damn that’s an awesome story. I admire your confidence both to say something like that in front of class at that age and to stand up to an adult like that at that age. I barely have that level of confidence now as an adult lol

That's when you walk out and then go directly to the person in charge and threaten a lawsuit.

I'd just walk out regardless and if he has a problem with it? oh well he can take it up with your dean