By annonn - 24/03/2016 11:11 - Brunei Darussalam - Bandar Seri Begawan

Today, I found out that people know when you're screenshooting their snaps on Snapchat, by the guy I have a crush on, asking me why I keep doing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 119
You deserved it 18 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just be honest and Tell him you find his snaps cute lol

Well, there's no hiding it anymore. Guess now's your chance to tell him how you feel!


Just be honest and Tell him you find his snaps cute lol

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Snapchat occasionally glitches and tells someone you've screenshotted their snap when you haven't (I use that excuse frequently) but that's not an excuse you can use in this case. Sorry OP, guess you'll have to be honest.

Well, there's no hiding it anymore. Guess now's your chance to tell him how you feel!

Because she has a crush on him. It says it right there in the OP.

Not sure why it got downvoted... Guys don't know this shit.

Just tell him you like him, the worst he could do (if he's worth dating) is say no

yeah... when you screenshot, it says (blank) has took a screenshot where it would say tap to view

Do you live under a rock? Why didn't you already know?

Does everybody know all the features of the things they use?

I don't even have SnapChat cause I have a BlackBerry, but do I know that it'll notify the sender if you screen shot it. If you're going to use an app, you'd better know what it does!

I didn't know. Then again I just started using it again.

KVKdragon 26

#17, I don't really consider that an excuse when it comes to technology usage. In this day and age where easy-to-understand information is available on the web about nearly anything, I don't pity anyone who messes up if they don't do research on the complicated tech and programs they use

I wouldn't call snapchat a complicated piece of tech or program

bad_boyfriend 10

Just show him the shrine with all the pictures and candles. Maybe he will be into it.