Early start

By KoNi - 21/11/2008 07:23 - France

Today, my 14-year-old sister asked me how I felt when I first had sexual intercourse. I told her it was personal and was none of her business. She then looked at me and said, "I thought it was nice." I'm 19 and I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 312
You deserved it 6 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm 19 and still a virgin. It's not for lack of opportunity, I just don't want to give it up for just anyone.

That's ****** up. Talk to your sister or something before she gets chlamydia.


That can't be good for her. You have got to keep an eye on her and keep her safe.

Colbertrox811 5

Calm down. It just means she's prettier than you. Get over it.

I thinks it's funny how almost everyone of you guys are 19 and still a virgin. So much in common :)

Haha, this is like me. Same thing happened

Ninjasaurus18 9

You know what's awful? I go to middle school and there are kids in my grade (7th) that have had sex. Willingly, not a rape case or being forced. And they think this is acceptable behavior.

Absolutely no shame in being a virgin and tell your sister that u r tell her to talk to your mom or something but honestly I hope I'm still a virgin when I'm 19

Thats messed up... But she's probably lying; "It was nice," doesn't seem realistic to me! And I'm 14 so yeah. Ask her about it though. Oh and, your time will come. Just save your virginity for the person who matters.

There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I'm twenty one and I'm still a virgin and I don't really plan on losing my virginity anytime soon. Its not a big deal. Your sister, however, is a *****!

lenaduchannes 4

You need to have a talk with your sister.

Then you are a lot smarter then she is