Don't mess with gamers

By bbedlock - 16/04/2011 12:35 - Australia

Today, after receiving the third call this week from teachers about my son falling asleep in class, I decided that it would be a good idea to hide his Xbox controllers. He decided it would be a good idea to hide my diabetes medication. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 628
You deserved it 19 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goodfella925 0

**** that, smash that xbox to the side of his head:/

That's bad parenting, plain and simple. Any kid raised right would never dream of pulling a stunt like this, especially when it puts his parents' health at risk. You brought this on yourself. Now it's up to you to set him straight before the nasty behaviour gets worse.


Byah 2

Sounds like it's time to hide his Xbox under the nearest car compactor.

weee240 0

hahaha only real men wear pink

lalo805 0

Who the *** hides an important medication from their mother.

Mad_Alien 8

my mom took away my mic and controller one time. I freaked out

NoFackYourLife 0

That's because your a princess, and spoiled rotten!

ifiFaLL 1

LOL yes!! ur sons awesome. you never take away xbox ! never!

32 where did you hide the medicine?

32, I honestly hope, for the sake of humanity, that you and everyone else posting comments like yours a trolling. Hard.

Take his life. you brought him in to this world and you can take him out

Somedood117 0

Yes, that would seem appropriate.

ahem_speak_up 0

LOL that made me laugh. op, just slap him. cmon. discipline.

shakethat 10

definitely need to whoop some ass. just sayin.

yeah.. but it's the new generation, it's pretty rare to find a kid with discipline.

Fake an episode and rush to the hospital, with your son, pay the doctor to come out and tell him that you're most likely not going to make it.

lmaoatall 6

the kid would probably ask where his controllers are at.

if she doesn't get it she won't have to fake it

lmaoatall 6

you may have his controllers, but he's got controle over you.