Doggy dog world

By Whatever - 24/09/2021 08:00

Today, my self-esteem has gotten so low that when I was out walking my boss's dog and someone called out, "Beautiful!" I assumed they were talking about the dog. They had to clarify they were speaking about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 929
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why I only walk ugly dogs. When somebody yells, "Hey, Ugly!" out of a passing car window, I can think they're talking about the dog.

I know this is harder said than done, but you truly need to lift yourself up. your self esteem is an easy thing to loose and a hard thing to find sometimes. but you, and only you can lower and raise your self esteem. no one and nothing should be allowed to control how you feel about yourself. take that compliment beautiful, and run with it. remember we are all made of star dust, so no matter what shine like the beautiful star you are, and never let anyone dull that sparkle.


That's why I only walk ugly dogs. When somebody yells, "Hey, Ugly!" out of a passing car window, I can think they're talking about the dog.

phybreawptic 13

Dog eat dog. Hope your day gets better. Treat yourself to a nice dinner. Bone Apple Teeth!

I know this is harder said than done, but you truly need to lift yourself up. your self esteem is an easy thing to loose and a hard thing to find sometimes. but you, and only you can lower and raise your self esteem. no one and nothing should be allowed to control how you feel about yourself. take that compliment beautiful, and run with it. remember we are all made of star dust, so no matter what shine like the beautiful star you are, and never let anyone dull that sparkle.

GhostPenguin 11

If I hear someone talking to me, i look around to make sure it's actually me they are talking to, even when i know for a fact it's me

short of my mother the only person who's ever called me handsome Is my wife, most women are privileged with compliments

Self-esteem has nothing to do with beauty. You can have a shit-ton of self-esteem and be objectively hideous. Self-esteem is about value. How do you value yourself?