No uggos

By Anonymous - 01/12/2022 15:00 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I walked into work and overheard three of my female coworkers talking and laughing about how ugly my face is, and how they’re sorry for whoever has to marry me. They went on to name the coworkers they actually would sleep with. I’m 25 and I've still never had a girlfriend. Thanks for the self-esteem boost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 174
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Jesus Christ that is SO ******* mean and I’m so sorry you had to hear that!! 1. Absolutely report them. That’s hostile AF and not conducive to a positive, productive work environment. 2. Chin up. There is someone out there for you. If you’re uncomfortable about your appearance, do things like work on your haircut, skin care, hygiene, body physique, etc. If you’re lonely, try dating apps. Not Tinder, but something like Match or Okcupid, or eHarmony. Also remember that no matter what you look like, personality matters - be kind, pleasant, courteous, thoughtful, and attentive. Don’t make assumptions about women or assume that just because you are nice to them, they owe you anything. Not saying you do that, but just mentioning it’s something to watch out for - there are people who think this way without realizing it. You’ll find the person for you, and again, screw those assholes at work and don’t let it get you down. Good luck!!

Nico97 3

Don’t listen to them. focus on getting yourself right. then when you’re chilling and find them on dating apps still looking for Mr. Right. laugh to yourself and swipe left.


Nico97 3

Don’t listen to them. focus on getting yourself right. then when you’re chilling and find them on dating apps still looking for Mr. Right. laugh to yourself and swipe left.

Not their job to boost your ego. Better talk to a stylist or a doctor. This is a wake up call.

It's not their job to openly insult people either.

Marcella1016 31

Jesus Christ that is SO ******* mean and I’m so sorry you had to hear that!! 1. Absolutely report them. That’s hostile AF and not conducive to a positive, productive work environment. 2. Chin up. There is someone out there for you. If you’re uncomfortable about your appearance, do things like work on your haircut, skin care, hygiene, body physique, etc. If you’re lonely, try dating apps. Not Tinder, but something like Match or Okcupid, or eHarmony. Also remember that no matter what you look like, personality matters - be kind, pleasant, courteous, thoughtful, and attentive. Don’t make assumptions about women or assume that just because you are nice to them, they owe you anything. Not saying you do that, but just mentioning it’s something to watch out for - there are people who think this way without realizing it. You’ll find the person for you, and again, screw those assholes at work and don’t let it get you down. Good luck!!

100% take that shit to HR if there is one at your job. That shouldn't be anything anyone discusses on the clock about their fellow employees - It's harassment.

That's why God invented alcohol. So ugly people can procreate. Just go to bar and drink until you find a plain woman beautiful and she finds you doable, and there you go!

That’s absolutely awful. I’m sorry you heard such malicious comments. People who do such things tend to be miserable themselves and need to drag others down to their level. I realize that doesn’t help that much but try to remember that “beautiful” people can be absolutely miserable and repulsive on the inside. Focus on what makes you happy and beautiful inside; it shines through.

Sonotsuave 35

I just want to say I’m sorry you heard that & I’m sorry that your coworkers not only have that much cruelness to talk about such things in the first place but do so out loud in a place of professional work. If you want to get back at them, I’d report them anonymously to HR. Regarding what they said though, don’t pay them any mind. They’re superficial people and although it’s hard to believe in this materialistic world, the best people aren’t just the ones that “look good” in society’s standards but actually are good people. So be a good person! Focus on making that bread, living a healthy lifestyle, pursuing your hobbies, maybe hitting the gym, and expanding your friend groups, and the right person will come along, I promise you. And they’ll like you for you. Good luck