By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 20:22 - United States

Today, I was out walking my dog. A cute woman said, "Nice dog!" Without thinking, I replied, "You too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 291
You deserved it 44 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet she didn't have a dog, did she...

BitterJaded 0

If you think your life is ****** because of I'll trade you lives.


CHILL222 0

ha, i would hav done that least u were bein nice

thats kind of a lame FML... you look like a dumbass for a few seconds to a minute but your life is not ******

hahah..fyl seriously, she looked like a dog to you?

BitterJaded 0

If you think your life is ****** because of I'll trade you lives.

bahaha , i hate it when that happenss ;p

bonafidehustler 0

Haha I like this one. Even though it's not a really bad FML, it's something I'd totally do so it made me laugh. When cute girls compliment my dog, I always say something stupid and awkward back, and I make an ass out of myself.

There's a Dane Cook joke on this. :3 Or I think it was Dane.

I don't know about Dane Cook, but I know Brian Regan had a joke about "you too!".

T9FTW 20

DANE!!! LIKE GREAT DANE!!!! Oh... OP, that's definitely something I would do!