Dancing With The Stares

By Travolta - 20/05/2019 02:13

Today, I was at a party and I danced. Judging by people's stares, I should never ever attempt it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 653
You deserved it 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you have fun? Did you enjoy it? If so, keep dancing to your heart's content, ignore the haters and enjoy yourself.

You were jaw dropping! Could go either way.


You were jaw dropping! Could go either way.

Did you use the kicks and the thumbs? Was it a full-body dry heave? Elaine? “Dance like nobody’s watching” shouldn’t be taken literally. The better advice is “Dance WHEN nobody’s watching.”

Did you have fun? Did you enjoy it? If so, keep dancing to your heart's content, ignore the haters and enjoy yourself.