By Anonymous - 20/05/2019 00:30

Today, I walked in on my little brother dressing up like Billie Eilish, his new favorite singer. He tore up some of my favorite clothes to make the outfits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 927
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucien Hollywood 8

sucks that he ruined your clothes. maybe offer to take him to pick out his own Eilish like clothes

Sonotsuave 35

I don’t blame him 😂 I bought four crop tops from her albums recently. But seriously there were alternatives to ruining your clothes and having it affect you, so I’m sorry. Instead of seeing it as an annoyance, try to be empathetic of his fandom and changing wardrobe style and maybe make a deal, like you’ll help him play up his outfits if he compensates you for the clothing he took.


Lucien Hollywood 8

sucks that he ruined your clothes. maybe offer to take him to pick out his own Eilish like clothes

Sonotsuave 35

I don’t blame him 😂 I bought four crop tops from her albums recently. But seriously there were alternatives to ruining your clothes and having it affect you, so I’m sorry. Instead of seeing it as an annoyance, try to be empathetic of his fandom and changing wardrobe style and maybe make a deal, like you’ll help him play up his outfits if he compensates you for the clothing he took.

PenguinPal3017 19

Does this Billie Eilish dress like she rummaged through the waste scraps at Mugatu's Derelicte show?

maybe subconsciously he's wanting to spend time with you

Looking like that "might seduce your dad type"

She is so shit and the whole “trend” won’t last long.Sucks about you clothes

maserle 8

singer.. hmm.. mumbler perhaps. sorry about your stuff.