Cujo 2: Electric Boogaloo

By Kelsiiii - 11/03/2020 03:00

Today, I pretended to be dead in front of my dog to see what he would do. He started to hump me, and when I tried to get up, he growled at me until I got back down on the ground to wait until he was finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 722
You deserved it 2 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You let your dog cum on you? Both of you need to be put down.

WistayShlaio82 13

Your dog has no respect towards you. You are the pet.


You let your dog cum on you? Both of you need to be put down.

Your dog is the hero we need, not the hero we want....

WistayShlaio82 13

Your dog has no respect towards you. You are the pet.

that sucks I'm sorry, but there no way you don't deserve this

“He’s got a little bit of Mississippi leg hound in him. If he lays in to you, it’s best to just let him finish.”

You were obviously not convincing enough with your act.

get a handle on your dog...just imagine if he tried to hurt you.