Higher education

By anonymous - 11/03/2020 06:00 - Canada

Today, I realized that all the swirling techniques I learned in chemistry labs has helped me to swirl alcoholic ingredients properly in my drinks to get the best mixtures. Thanks university. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 231
You deserved it 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So whats your problem? Get a job with that technique lol

ojoRojo 27

I can only see this as a win. ??


So whats your problem? Get a job with that technique lol

ojoRojo 27

I can only see this as a win. ??

Marcella1016 31
Marcella1016 31

Does this only apply to alcohol or also “mocktail” mixed beverages? What are ways you can “swirl” your mix to improve flavor?