Our House

By Anonymous - 26/10/2020 11:01

Today, I found out I have another leak in my house. I've had three inspections and they were all shit. At this point, that pipe is the only remaining original pipe in the entire house. Over 25k have officially gone into this BS. Note to all: go "new." FML
I agree, your life sucks 868
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

That sucks. How old are the pipes/the house? How long are pipes supposed to last? Perhaps there is liability somewhere from the builder or a previous owner, or even for the inspections you got that told you everything was ok. Hope it doesn’t break your bank, and thanks for the words of wisdom.

tounces7 27

Or just hire an ACTUAL plumber to inspect a house before you buy it, but one who will NOT be fixing it. Saying that as someone who owns a plumbing company. Chances are a lot of the problems you've had could have been fixed for way cheaper, too, for 25k I could repipe like 5 houses, unless you bought a mansion.


Marcella1016 31

That sucks. How old are the pipes/the house? How long are pipes supposed to last? Perhaps there is liability somewhere from the builder or a previous owner, or even for the inspections you got that told you everything was ok. Hope it doesn’t break your bank, and thanks for the words of wisdom.

tounces7 27

Or just hire an ACTUAL plumber to inspect a house before you buy it, but one who will NOT be fixing it. Saying that as someone who owns a plumbing company. Chances are a lot of the problems you've had could have been fixed for way cheaper, too, for 25k I could repipe like 5 houses, unless you bought a mansion.

Don’t forget that « new » also has problems. My friend had recurring plumbing troubles in his new building, with multiple and costly interventions. In those cases, you’re the first here so you have to fix all the « factory » issues. The good thing would be to get something newish (already fixed by the first and not already falling apart from age).