Couldn't have been that great

By Anonymous - 16/04/2021 16:59 - Netherlands

Today, I woke up naked in my best friend's roommate's bed. We had sex and I puked on the bed. My first sex in over a year and I don't remember a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 430
You deserved it 1 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people always expect sympathy for the stupid shit they do while drunk?

Jon Tessler 14

if you both were drunk, neither of you could give consent to having sex. you need to talk things out with him/her, and figure out how to move forward as friends or more. also replace the bedding and bed if necessary.


Anything is possible when you're four sheets to the wind. Be more responsible.

Jon Tessler 14

if you both were drunk, neither of you could give consent to having sex. you need to talk things out with him/her, and figure out how to move forward as friends or more. also replace the bedding and bed if necessary.

There was concent, its the sex I dont remember

Jon Tessler 14

you can't give consent while drunk. not according to the legal definition of consent. now did you talk to her about it?

Why do people always expect sympathy for the stupid shit they do while drunk?

bleachedraven 14

it takes all kinds to make the world go around

aaliyah " try again." or wtf ever that song Is called

bleachedraven 14

I love your humor 🤣 but that matchup doesn't seem redeemable