By ClutchJunkie - 05/12/2016 15:44

Today, my classic car that I've put hours of wrench time into burst into flames when I tried to start it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 157
You deserved it 1 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49

That would sum up me whenever I try and fix anything.

Oh man, that sucks! I'm sorry OP. Hopefully you'll be able to get another car soon! You could even find one that's even better than this one! Best of luck!


Wow not sure I can laugh at that, it's ironic haha but sad as hell too.

It'd be great if all of those hours of wrench time was accompanied by some knowledge of how cars work.

Best of luck OP! Hope everything gets better..

colton_colton 49

That would sum up me whenever I try and fix anything.

Oh man, that sucks! I'm sorry OP. But this perfectly describes me whenever I try to fix anything.

Wow... that's one of those things that sucks so badly I couldn't help but laugh when I read it. I hope it wasn't too badly damaged. Do you know what caused it?

Pyrotechnics towing and salvage yard-: New mechanics needed : apply in person next to the crisp rims.. Sorry, about your luck..

Oh man, that sucks! I'm sorry OP. Hopefully you'll be able to get another car soon! You could even find one that's even better than this one! Best of luck!

depends on the car i know some go for quite a bit of money especially if you use OEM equipment. it's not just a oh i can buy a nicer one especially if a lot of money was invested into the vehicle

lemme guess, firebird? sucks though, hope it can be salvaged