Cloud Cuckooland

By Perry85 - 04/03/2020 03:02

Today, my girlfriend's husband heard us having sex, but he's so naive, he believed her when she said we were just watching porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 409
You deserved it 3 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That poor man, honestly. To cheat on him is disrespectful, but to have sex while he's at home is even more so. He deserves better. The guy knows, he just doesn't want to lose what he has; even if he is been made a joke out of.

Itsheragain 9

thats terrible...your karma is coming my friend.


That poor man, honestly. To cheat on him is disrespectful, but to have sex while he's at home is even more so. He deserves better. The guy knows, he just doesn't want to lose what he has; even if he is been made a joke out of.

Taylor Caldwell 10

I totally read this differently as two couples are somewhere together and the one couple heard the other couple having sex and the wife said it was just ****. Jeez English is tough.

Itsheragain 9

thats terrible...your karma is coming my friend.

WistayShlaio82 13

Well aren’t you just a poster child for privilege

Audrey Gogoj 4

what the **** is wrong with you? he knows. he just can't bring himself to leave.

Mathalamus 24

Sounds like she's betraying a trusting soul. An actual human would feel bad in this situation.

ojoRojo 27

“Today, my girlfriend’s husband—“ YDI.

no it's f his life cuz his wife is a ho

You sure used a lot of words just to say “I’m a piece of shit”

Nhayaa 21

I like how you shorten things. Good summary of the situation.

J15237 25

Karma is a bitch dude. What the **** is the matter with you? You are aware that she is married? Damn at least have some respect for the other guy. Yes he is a bit dumb for believing her, but seriously I hope that you and the girl go to hell. And to cheat in his own house? How disrespectful.