Hey, Big Spender!

By El Sayer - 03/03/2020 23:01 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I put a lock on my account because of several unknown purchases for large amounts. Turns out it was my girlfriend, without asking. Who is now mad at me for blocking her parcels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 878
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccuish 25

You should sit and talk with her

nah bro it's f her l cuz the gravy train ran out. let her spend her own money instead of acting like a spoiled ******* brat.


mccuish 25

You should sit and talk with her

You were right but prepare for her to block your parcel being delivered to her. You need to talk this through.

nah bro it's f her l cuz the gravy train ran out. let her spend her own money instead of acting like a spoiled ******* brat.

E2dav 5

Just return the items & ask her why she thought that was ok. Red flags everywhere here man