
By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 20:02 - United States

Today, I learned that no matter how much you assume that the crunchy bits in a bag of crisps are in fact crisps, you will occasionally find that your assumptions are wrong. Beetles just don't have the same appeal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 511
You deserved it 5 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Komatose 0

I know wut u mean. I hate it when crisps get in my bag of beetles

Captain0bv10us 0

maybe you should go out more...


twilax101 0

#16, your a little slow arent you?

Hey man, that's not necessarily bad... I've always loved me a good beetle xD

thats so gross! but i do agree with #21

LOL to the people that didn't get it. And thanks #6 for pointing that out! I was guessing crisps for potato chips but that helped. And to the OP, I agree- best written FML.

MukyDaCookie 0

Amazing wording. Favourited instsantly.

i like the word crisps. i think im gonna start saying 'crisps' instead of 'chips'. (: oh, and FYL.

The way you phrased this is awesome. But that must suck.

Wait, you eat chips? Eww. Those are gross. Now beetles, those are delicious.

wow man that really does suck. i bet some idiot is going to try and do a reverse fml from the beatles POV....

What do the Beatles have to do with this?