By Anonymous - 22/08/2009 19:39 - Canada

Today, I found out that the crumbs on the couch that look like the Oreos you just ate, can actually turn out to be very crunchy, and have legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 014
You deserved it 46 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kionnalexus 0

First of all, you shouldn't have even considered eating them if they are a place where people stick their asses, second of all, its pretty obvious when something has legs. You're a dumb ass through and through.

MelanieP_fml 0

Oh dude, FYL. That's ****** up.


MelanieP_fml 0

Oh dude, FYL. That's ****** up.

HahaYDI 0

Lawsuit? Isn't that like a health violation...

dude_stfu 0

you're telling me you couldn't tell the difference between oreo crumbs and an insect? Seriously... this is so fake and not even funny. How did this make it past the voting?

inconvienentgurl 0

ok ewwww that sux...hope u dont get sick :(

don't eat crumbs off your couch then

gurlthatwalks 0

umm ewww? shouldnt of even touched the "crumbs" anyway

rockyhorrorshow 0

Yeah, it's kinda nasty to eat food that's been in places where your butt has been. :/

So what they should have left the crumbs on the couch forever? Eating them was definitely overboard, but OP has to get them out somehow.

They could've swept them off the couch and thrown them out like any person not hellbent on getting maximum enjoyment out of the Oreo they just ate would. That was a shitty sentence, but it gets the job done.

WHY WOULD YOU HAVE EATEN THEM? oh lord, YDI for being... a gannet.

She ate what she thought were crumbs because she JUST ate oreos. Don't you ever eat something, drop a crumb, pick it up immediately and eat it?

americayay 0

Eh. Not really. Not when I'm on my couch at least. Maybe a visibly clean table.

curryndricegirll 0

well...obviously the couch wasn't sanitary if it had bugs crawling all over it from all of the crumbs she's leaving

kionnalexus 0

First of all, you shouldn't have even considered eating them if they are a place where people stick their asses, second of all, its pretty obvious when something has legs. You're a dumb ass through and through.

loveabull66 0

HAHA this rules. literally made me laugh out loud

YDI... were they not moving? either way, dead or alive, that's gross that you have bugs living and dying on your couch and not noticing it... and to stick it in your mouth.

mercury42 0

LOL. Very funny! As a parent, I can totally sympathize with moving crumbs!

"that's gross that you have bugs living and dying on your couch" HAHAHAHAHHAHA best comment ever.

Are you such a fatty that the Oreos were not enough, and you had to suck up the crumbs on your couch, as well? Really?

maybe op wasnt paying attention and just had the munchies, ever thought of that dickweed?

Seriously? That's really rude. You don't even know this person. Respect her.

Carrotkidd15 5

I found it hilarious. Who eats crumbs from a couch?!?!