Caught in 4K

By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 13:04 - Malta

Today, my parents were out so I invited my girlfriend over. It was the afternoon, and things started to heat up. We were having sex, and I was about to finish. Then I looked through the window, to see a construction worker (who was fixing the house next to mine) giving me a thumbs up. He's her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 196 645
You deserved it 34 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MistAtMarseilles 0

at least the family is supportive did he give you any pointers? haha


totally bad dad, maybe her dad ask you "r my fixing construction home good looking?" you just reply with two thumbs up. LoL

#1 This is not an FML, be glad that the dad didn't whip out a 9mm and shoot you in the face for doin the naughty business with his daughter. #2 It is quite creepy that the dad would stand there and watch is nekked daugher get banged by her bf, even if he wanted to give a thumbs up (which is double creepy) #3 who gives a damn if it's fake? It's the ******* internet, you couldn't prove it no matter what, and anyway it doesn't matter. Why not comment on the situation instead of caring whether it's real or not?

doomfromheaven 0

Dude, that's fine. He's giving you the okay. :)

thinkinghurtzzz 0

did he KNOW it was his daughter?

MCart_fml 0

What's FML about this? Sounds like an epic win to me. Unless he didn't know it was his daughter, in which case he now knows where your bedroom is when he finds out who you were doing...

skatingweasel 0

Hah, shoulda given him a thumbs up and an air five

LOL um... close ur blinds next time :P lol

devinek12 0

youre a lucky bastard you retard