By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 16:39 - United States

Today, I got my laptop back after sending it to Dell to repair water damage after a night of partying. Dell returned my computer unrepaired, saying it was unfixable. When I called to ask why they couldn't fix it, they told me it was a biohazard. Someone got drunk and pissed on my laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 311
You deserved it 23 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meow34 0

LMFAO YDI. How can you not smell the piss on your laptop.. seriously? Maybe when you have a party and get drunk or whatever, you should put your laptop in a safe place next time.

meetmeinhell 0

LMFAO bet that makes you pissed off dont it? ouch biohazard? not quite.......u couldnt smell the piss? when u were holding it


meetmeinhell 0

LMFAO bet that makes you pissed off dont it? ouch biohazard? not quite.......u couldnt smell the piss? when u were holding it

Meow34 0

LMFAO YDI. How can you not smell the piss on your laptop.. seriously? Maybe when you have a party and get drunk or whatever, you should put your laptop in a safe place next time.

ak725 0

Urine is not a biohazard... but still that's pretty disgusting.

reras89 0
FlyMeAway 2

You do realise you can thumb comments up or down so you don't have to post comments like these, right?

wotchersarah 0

Next time put your laptop in a safe place before getting drunk! Reminds me of the fml where someone got super drunk and was too lazy to throw up in the bathroom and ended up throwing up on their laptop.

that sucks. you should probably watch where you keep that thing, lol.

#3 Urine is a biohazard, I used to do sanitation work and urine is under emetic materials, which means its a bodily fluid and is therefore treated as dangerous no matter what, there are special rules and regulations you have to follow, and any bodily fluid is considered emetic and unsafe by osha.

RaC_fml 0

Wow this sounds fake 1) how did you not smell it 2) if you did leave it out at a party where someone could easily pee on it I'm sure it would have got stolen And 3)your an idiot if u did leave it laying around YDI

You're sure it would have gotten stolen? I think you're the idiot...