By sadNsingle - 23/09/2017 06:00

Today, my boyfriend of 7 years and I broke up right before my sister's wedding, because he didn't want to be there when we found out he gave the both of us an STD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 604
You deserved it 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. I seriously hope it's not a serious one and it's one that can be treated. 2. I'd have a serious discussion with your sister. 3. Be glad that SOB is gone. Cause the fact he isn't willing to commit and the fact he slept with your sister shows you're better off without him! I'm sorry you had to go through this.

I'm curious as to how long ago that happened, with your sister about to get married and all...


That’s a whole lot of fml right there. You’re better off without him and sounds like your sis is a hoe. Hang in there, OP!

Isn’t the groom-to-be a little peeved that his bride has an STD? I’m sure he’d like to have a chat with your ex-bf.

Little Richard 11

So that makes 4 of you with a STD.

ScarletteEve 33

Dunno why you're being downvoted, it's very likely to be 4 instead of just 3. It's how these things get passed around so easily

azouwa 26

lol I usually give that dude a thumbs up just because I like most of his comments. I'm sure some people down vote for the same reason (it's personal).

1. I seriously hope it's not a serious one and it's one that can be treated. 2. I'd have a serious discussion with your sister. 3. Be glad that SOB is gone. Cause the fact he isn't willing to commit and the fact he slept with your sister shows you're better off without him! I'm sorry you had to go through this.

Donut_Wizard 23

He got you both a Super tiny dog?!!

I'm curious as to how long ago that happened, with your sister about to get married and all...

SteelSoul5 9

Where is he decency ? Why is she sleeping with you bf when she's getting married ? Confused

Lobby_Bee 17

He did the right thing. His life would be in serious danger if he went. The groom would beat his face in while you ladies torture his penis.

That's one wedding gift you're not returning.