By Anonymous - 21/05/2019 22:08

Today, I was reading a book, and my severe OCD makes it impossible for me to look up from reading if I haven't finished the page. This includes times like when my mother is frantically calling for help after falling off a ladder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 855
You deserved it 1 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At this point, you might want to look into therapy to help with that if its something that causes you to delay in an emergency situation.

You know there are different types of OCD, right?


At this point, you might want to look into therapy to help with that if its something that causes you to delay in an emergency situation.

that is not ocd, ocd is when you do things repeatedly, that's focus or oblivion

You know there are different types of OCD, right?

WeirdUS 29

That's not an oops that's slamming your head into a wall stupid. You need serious help or are you that selfish you don't care someone is in danger?

Tell your mom to get LifeAlert and quit hassling you. “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up...and I wouldn’t want to disturb you from your fancy reading.”

So what do you do if the end of a page is not the end of a sentence? Do you have to keep reading until you're find a page that ends on a paragraph or sentence? You may want to look into an e-reader, and make the font fairly large, so it only takes a few seconds to finish a page. That way, you can finish a page no matter what situation.

Although this sounds like a good idea at first, it’s not good to indulge in your OCD rituals. In the long run, it doesn’t get rid of your obsessive thoughts, it just escalates them. So, I agree with the person suggesting therapy. My OCD treatment was (very very simply put): 1. Figure out all of your compulsive behaviors and the obsessive thoughts that come with them. 2. Increase the anxiety that is caused by obsessive thoughts without indulging in the rituals. For example, if the thought is, “if I don’t finish this page before I stop, I’m going to die” (OCD thoughts are almost never rational - they’re pretty much always “absurd”), then you talk back to yourself “well, guess I’m going to die” 3. Do NOT do the rituals.

If it’s that out of control and you haven’t sought help, ydi. If you are in treatment and still at that stage, fyl.

Peaches1914 13

The person on the ladder should had, another person spotting her on the ladder or have the person there hold the ladder The mother was not unaware of the person’s condition and adjust accordingly