Buckle up

By Anonymous - 10/12/2011 02:55 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me for a familiar reason; I apparently have night terrors that make me "Impossible to sleep in the same room with." I don't ever remember these dreams. Every other girlfriend I've had has ended up breaking things off with me for the same reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 508
You deserved it 4 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People rarely remember night terrors, not your fault. Just find a nice deaf girl.


kalejaxson 5

Time to check in to the mental hospital.

Edit- I misread the comment as "Are you retarded?" After re-reading, I shall thumbs myself down because of my own stupidity.

bubo_fml 10

"...The horror...The horror..." (a la Marlon Brando style in 'Apocalypse Now.') Convert that to; "...A *****...A *****..." & you'll be too shagged out to have nightmares afterwards!

armywife0609 4

so why not go to a sleep center and have them confirm it to see if they give you medicine to help?

Someday someone special will love no matter The nightmares.

amdressler3 0

Just don't sleep next to each other...?

ragzilla 0

Have you ever slept in the same bed as your girlfriend/boyfriend? It's the nicest thing in the world! Therefore it's cozy to sleep in the same bed. You've missed out on something big.

I find that an inexcusable reason to break up with someone... I don't understand how people can't handle shit like that, it really isn't that big of a deal. My boyfriend has a similar problem, and I certainly wouldn't think something like that warrants breaking up >_

My boyfriend doesn't have night terrors, but he frequently kicks me in his sleep. If sleeping with someone is too uncomfortable, you find ways to make it more comfortable.

There is no such thing as an inexcusable reason to break up with someone.

Mine has had sleep paralysis/night terrors where he thinks I'm whispering creepy things in his ear and moans like he's in pain. I just wake him up a little and he goes back to sleep normally.

Time to visit the doctor then don't you think.

yumlicious 4

Hope you're not referring a GP. I think someone with a psychology degree or a clinical social worker would be more beneficial. But if that's what you meant, then I totally agree. You need therapy OP. I see a therapist, and I have no clue what I would do without her.

A GP could refer him to a good and suitable psychologist if he doesn't know one.

yumlicious 4

I guess you're right, haha. I found my therapist through my insurance and their provider search. Then I googled a few therapist for reviews. She's been pretty great, lol :D

O my god i'm so sorry thats horrible! I use to have night terrors when I was a little kid. Even though I couldnt remember having them I would wake up exhausted and my sister would be pissed off at me. Im sorry that all your girlfriends have been so shallow to dump you for something you cant control.

My brother-in-law has night terrors too. He sleep walks and fights "demons" in the coat room all the time. Seen doctors and still nothing could be done to stop it other than make sure your body isn't overly tired before you go to bed.

JinxosGirl87 0

My dad would scream bloody murder in his sleep. Terrifying to hear as a child.

"Bloody murder bloody murder bloody murder!!!"

erockinthesuburb 17