Booze *gone wrong*

By Anonymous - 21/02/2017 09:00 - United States

Today, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, had a wonderful cup of coffee, and found my son throwing up rubbing alcohol in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 762
You deserved it 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is a great opportunity! Don't tell him there's any difference between that and normal alcohol and your son will stay sober for life!

joeyl2008 29

I agree, parents shouldn't sleep. Their job is to watch their children at all times.


OP: Bet he thought that rubbing alcohol contains the same type of alcohol as in beer, liquor, and wine! lol

I wouldn’t be surprised....a hospital downtown in my city had to stop filling up the hand sanitizers as homeless drunks would constantly keep trying to drink it. I’m not talking shit about these people, this is literally what a worker told me when I asked why there isn’t any hand sanitizer

This is a great opportunity! Don't tell him there's any difference between that and normal alcohol and your son will stay sober for life!

The son will be the type of guy who will pick weeds from the garden and try to light up

jcash52426 5

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It's February vacation right now for a lot of schools

Eashy 16

It also could have been early in the morning before school started.

joeyl2008 29

I agree, parents shouldn't sleep. Their job is to watch their children at all times.

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Oh I think it's more of an olfactory thing to identify the alcohol in someone's vomit.

This comment is really getting blasted by the angry thumbs, but for what it's worth, I'm laughing my ass off at the absurdity.

"Why do you keep rubbing alcohol in the liquor cabinet"? "You don't want to know....."

Sounds like the perfect morning! Nature is punishing your idiot kid, so you get to stay the "good cop!"

squiros 2

i use isopropyl to clean pools all the time, yet i never thought to use it on the gene pool. very innovative. if the son wants to clean the pool, we should respect his decision. it seems a little dirty anyway.

Did it get him drunk? asking for a friend.

tantanpanda 26

Isopropyl alcohol will not induce the same effect since they're two completely different molecules. It doesn't get metabolized the same way and drinking Isopropyl is very dangerous and causes permanent blindness if you drink it too much. You could convert it to ethanol, but it still wouldn't be worth it.

it is toxic isn't it?? even if he seems fine now I think you need to get him checked by a doctor. he may also have inhaled the fumes.

joeyl2008 29