You're in the army now, oh ohoh

By Anonymous - 01/07/2020 17:03

Today, my dad set the smoke alarm off at 6 a.m. as a "practice drill." I was woken up so suddenly, I fell out of bed into the bucket of sick I had been throwing up into the night before due to flu. Dad yelled at me for not getting out of the house in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 663
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

2deployments1divorce 11

Remember that when he's old and lives with you.

crashtestdumplin 16

My mom was a firefighter and I think she disarmed the smoke detectors because they would always go off when she cooked. I often woke up with the smell of gas in the house because she forgot to turn off the stove. I’m sorry that happened to you but who knows maybe being able to escape a hostile environment will benefit you in the future.


At least you had a bucket ready to fight the fire -- you should get some points for that!

bl3ur0z3 17

In fairness, if the house were on fire at 6am while you had the flu, you'd be dead and that scares him.

2deployments1divorce 11

Remember that when he's old and lives with you.

crashtestdumplin 16

My mom was a firefighter and I think she disarmed the smoke detectors because they would always go off when she cooked. I often woke up with the smell of gas in the house because she forgot to turn off the stove. I’m sorry that happened to you but who knows maybe being able to escape a hostile environment will benefit you in the future.

Last laugh is on him after he gets the Covid from all the puke you traipsed around from the “flu”...