
By CakeForBreakfast - 01/11/2019 02:00

Today, I asked my father if I could have my grandfather's old vinyls, record player, and vintage tube radio. He told me he threw those out years ago because, "Who listens to that crap anymore, now that we have mp3s?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 023
You deserved it 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

They have only become fashionable again recently and it sounds like it was a long time ago when they were thrown out without you wanting them.

Eh.. Unless you expressed interest in it in the first place and ASKED to hold onto it especially since you knew you weren't in town, there's no real reason to be mad. People sell and toss stuff all the time. If you had specifically asked for it to be held, then I can understand the FML.


That's why you have to act quickly, like the dude handing out pet store flyers.

How does this have anything to do with you? You didn’t even notice for YEARS. And it’s not even your stuff

Well my grandparents live far away on the other side of the country, so following my grandfather's death 6 years ago it was just my father who was available to go and help my grandmother pack and move to a new house, me being caught up with work. That's when everything got thrown out, I was never asked. Fast forward to last year, I was finally able to move with my wife and kids in to a place we can call our own, and we have just finished our living room last week. That old record player would have been perfect there. That's when I called my grandma to ask for it; She said "ask your father".

Eh.. Unless you expressed interest in it in the first place and ASKED to hold onto it especially since you knew you weren't in town, there's no real reason to be mad. People sell and toss stuff all the time. If you had specifically asked for it to be held, then I can understand the FML.

Still doesn't really feel like it raises to the level of "FML" to have accounted for your future interest they would have to never throw away anything ever just in case you might want something. Most people don't ask their kids if they want some of their parents possessions. This feels more like a "that sucks ah well I'll hit up a second hand store" I mean I'm never going to give my mom shit for what she did or didn't keep after my grandmother died. Sure I lost my grandma but she lost her mom and no matter how close I was to her that mother/daughter relationship was closer and my mom had every right to think only of herself and her sister when deciding what to do with my grandmother's possessions.

Mungolikecandy 19

They have only become fashionable again recently and it sounds like it was a long time ago when they were thrown out without you wanting them.

I’m going to assume your dad inherited them after your grandfather passed. I guess he could have checked with everyone first before he got rid of them. But they were technically his and if he wanted to get rid of them then he has the right to.

Mathalamus 24

Well he isn't wrong. Those things were obsolete for a reason. Get with the times.

maserle 8

Vinyl is and always will be superior to the compresssed mp3s compact format.