Blame the pooch

By anamota89 - 11/05/2012 09:33 - United States

Today, I was on the phone with my boyfriend. I had to fart really badly, so thinking that he wouldn't hear me, I did so. He heard me and asked, "Did you fart?" I said "No, it was my dog." I don't have a dog, and he knows this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 336
You deserved it 32 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's wrong with a plain old "What? What are you talking about"? Is it too mainstream?

ddeathbombb 5


=P Some phones are pretty sensitive. I hear my girlfriends lighter, cars driving by outside, mouse clicks, etc. OP probably just made the fatal mistake of not talking when she let it rip.

izzy7 11

Oh no! You farted! It's the end of the world! I don't even see how this is an FML. YDI

Females: Get over it already. Farting is NOT a big deal. It's a natural function of the body and if you're ashamed of it then you have some serious issues. Get. Over. It. Males: Females farting in front of you is NOT the end of the world and it most certainly is not "unnatural." People fart. Get. Over. It.

Or you could of muted the phone, passed gas then unmuted it?

Hiphuray4peas 27

Through out my childhood my family members would blame their toots on the dog... particularly when it happened at the dinner table. We didn't get a dog until I was 18.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

You should have just admitted, laughed it off and moved on. My boyfriend does it all the time. "Did you hear that?" "No." "Oh. Well I farted. Felt good though." He proudly informs me and all is well. Claim those sneaky lil bastards!

K, you shouldn't care, he's your bf, he can deal. That was very quick on your feet, it was your dog, very smart