Best gift ever

By Anonymous - 16/09/2020 22:01 - Australia - Traralgon

Today, my toddler handed me a present and told me to keep it forever. It was a piece of dog poo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 108
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

If you're going to keep you promise, you're going to have to figure out how to preserve the poop. That shit decomposes fast. Try bronzing it.


coius 23

If you're going to keep you promise, you're going to have to figure out how to preserve the poop. That shit decomposes fast. Try bronzing it.

That's one present that you don't have to keep.

SO be a parent and explain poop is nasty and that though you love the gift, it needs to be flushed or tossed in the trash. Ask him to draw something for you.

Matthew Irmen 11