By Anonymous - 02/10/2018 15:30

Today, our 6-month-old is finally sleeping through the night. We thought we'd finally get a good night sleep ourselves, until my dumb husband fell asleep with the tv on and our 5-year-old ended up watching Saw 3 by herself. Now the 5-year-old wakes up with nightmares. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 214
You deserved it 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought kids were supposed to see-saw?

On the plus side, just say "I want to play a game" whenever the kid looks to be on the verge of a tantrum and you'll have the most obedient kid in history. You can live the dream of every parent ever.


this reminds me of when i was 6 and we had an 8 room flat, like an endless floor with doors. The living room was on one end, the parents room on the other end of the flat. I watched horror movies all night long, and i clearly remember Freddy Kruger pulling someone over the walls. I was a creepy kid, not afraid of anything, and till today i enjoy horror movies.

Wait, so you stood at the end of a long corridor just staring into the distance? Did Danny not want to play with you and your twin sister?

I thought kids were supposed to see-saw?

On the plus side, just say "I want to play a game" whenever the kid looks to be on the verge of a tantrum and you'll have the most obedient kid in history. You can live the dream of every parent ever.

I'm pretty sure this would count as emotional abuse.

he at least deserves a punch in the face and babywatch for his next few days off for that one

Show him the making of the movie and make him understand that it's axting and male up. Good luck.

IrieStorm 9

The same thing happened to me and Tremors when I was a kid.

zomboid 9

Dumb husband? Way to validate yourself for being mad at him for an unintended event. I'm sure he said to himself 'You know what will piss my wife off? If I let our 5 year old watch Saw 3.' Get over yourself. The way I see it the only 'dumb' thing about him is he puts up with someone who talks about him this way.

a) you can still get mad at unintended things. b) I wanna see you keep your composure when your 6 month old is finally sleeping through the night (which I'd just guess was mostly mum's problem because of feeding etc) only to have it instantly replaced with a 5yo who has recurring nightmares. It's not fun being constantly sleep deprived, it's not fun seeing your kid scared and crying every night. It might have been unintentional but the consequences still suck, so if 'dumb' is the worst thing she has to say about him, that's still being mild.

wdfw 7

I take it you've never once made a mistake?

wdfw 7

and if they bottle feed, he could have been just as tired from overnight baby duty

zomboid 9

a) I never said she couldn't be mad. Just that name calling and belittling someone is not necessary. b) That would be like me saying 'I want to see you deploy to Afganistan for 6 months and not piss yourself.' Everyone reacts differently to situations. c) There is no one to blame for the situation. Shit happens. Accept and move on. Saying he's lucky all she did is call him dumb is ignorant. What's more fitting? Her beating him, divorcing him, key his car? What would you do? Cause I'd leave her 'dumb' ass for thinking she could talk/treat me that way. But that's just my standard. Everyone is different.

Normally a child that is scared by a show will simply stop watching it...

My dad once left 5 year old me inside the house alone to watch cartoons, He was outside in the backyard. One of the cartoons in question was Tex Avery's MGM short "What's Buzzin' Buzzard?" This entire short was basically about two starving crazed vultures in the desert trying to eat one another. While I was definitely disturbed by this short, and vividly remembered a part where one vulture caught his pal in his mouth, I never really saw the short again until I was in middle school--and was still disturbed by it. By college, I fell in love with it. Poor 5 year old though. Seeing disturbing things on TV when little leave a pretty big imprint on us.

jsikes 8

Why do you have to call your husband dumb? That’s a little unnecessary for just falling asleep at the tv