Can't catch a break

By Anonymous - 16/09/2020 16:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I’ve been working 4 months to cover people isolating, so I was finally looking forward to a Saturday of fishing, a date night then a lazy Sunday watching TV. Only my wife who, as soon as she heard I had a whole weekend free, handed me a list of vital house jobs that need doing, “NOW NOW NOW.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 395
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like most every weekend for me. My wife hands me a list of chores to take most of the weekend then wonders why I didn't have any time to spend with her. (Let alone getting to do anything I want) Tough break man.

She may also have been working. She could also be doing her own series of vast household chores and is simply asking him to do these ones since, you know, he also lives in the house. I work, cook, do the dishes, mop, sweep, clean the bathroom, walk the dog, clean the livingroom and kitchen, do the laundry, and basically every other chore in the house on a fairly daily basis. So if I tell my partner that he needs to defrost the freezer on his weekend off because it needs to be done before the freezer breaks from build up, it isn't me shirking a responsibility I could have handled without him. It's me asking him to handle something that I will never have time to get to on top of every other daily chore I do in addition to having a job of my own and since he lives in the house to it is not unreasonable to ask him to also handle household responsibilities in addition to his having a job, since clearly I am doing that same thing. The wife could be in a similar position. You have no way of knowing so it is a little odd that the way your post it written it seems like you just assumed she's been doing nothing at all and then handed him a list of chores.


1. Get a red pen. 2. Grow some testicles (2 is the optimal number.) 3. Cross off the W's on that list 4. Have the weekend you planned.

Sounds like most every weekend for me. My wife hands me a list of chores to take most of the weekend then wonders why I didn't have any time to spend with her. (Let alone getting to do anything I want) Tough break man.

What is the list? Maybe do a thing or two? What does she do while you were doing this?

coius 23

Ask her why she didnt take care of it while you worked your arse off? Women can do stuff too (many claim they are on par or superior to men, so if this is the case, why did it get saved only for you the second you are free?). My wife does stuff I physically cannot do because of my back. Things like moving a large washing machine aside to get things like fallen socks, etc.. or cutting grass. She’s tinier than me and can do this, i imagine you wife isnt as small as mine) (mine is 5’2” and weighs less than 115lbs)

She may also have been working. She could also be doing her own series of vast household chores and is simply asking him to do these ones since, you know, he also lives in the house. I work, cook, do the dishes, mop, sweep, clean the bathroom, walk the dog, clean the livingroom and kitchen, do the laundry, and basically every other chore in the house on a fairly daily basis. So if I tell my partner that he needs to defrost the freezer on his weekend off because it needs to be done before the freezer breaks from build up, it isn't me shirking a responsibility I could have handled without him. It's me asking him to handle something that I will never have time to get to on top of every other daily chore I do in addition to having a job of my own and since he lives in the house to it is not unreasonable to ask him to also handle household responsibilities in addition to his having a job, since clearly I am doing that same thing. The wife could be in a similar position. You have no way of knowing so it is a little odd that the way your post it written it seems like you just assumed she's been doing nothing at all and then handed him a list of chores.

Amazing how your commentary is the most downvoted one when, at least to me, you seem like the most sensible and reasonable person here. The others do seem prone to judge the wife, when, sadly, what occurs in our patriarcal society is that, most of the time, wives are the responsible ones for almost the entirety of the household chores. It's not like the husband doesn't live in the same house - it's not like he doesn't have anything to do with it.

Mathalamus 24
tounces7 27

If she would rather have you do chores than do a date night with her, then your marriage is in trouble, and she's seeing you as more of a roommate than a husband.

Or she doesn't really see the point in date nights since they are already married and living together. Some people don't think of dates as fun activities you do with your partner. They think of dates as the things you go on to get to know someone so that they become your spouse. Once married the dating is no longer necessary since it was a means to get to the marriage. Plus she could just already value the time she spends with him enough to think that there is no reason why they have to put specific time aside to do something nice when just knowing he's in the same house as her is enough to make her happy. Not wanting to go on a date night when there are other things that need to be done doesn't mean she's looking at him like he's a roommate. It could simply mean she's looking at him like he's already her husband and they live together and can see each other anytime they are both home. Which isn't to say it isn't a bit of a jerk move to take up someone's first free weekend with chores. I'm just saying that not wanting a date night isn't automatically a sign that the marriage is failing.

As an adult, why weren't you on top of the house maintenance and duties WITHOUT needing your partner to act as mommy? Grow up

Mathalamus 24

You have responsibilities that you must do. Like everyone else. You are unrealistic if you wanted the entire weekend free, that shit isn’t happening.

julfunky 29

Welcome to the real world where responsibilities don’t disappear just because you want a weekend off. Sorry but it’s called being an adult. Unfortunate but necessary.