By Anonymous - 16/10/2017 01:30

Today, my 1-year-old son walked up to me with a disgusted look on his face. I could tell he had something in his mouth so I pulled it out. He'd been sucking on a piece of cat poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 892
You deserved it 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Knowing whether or not you actually have a cat could make this FML so much more interesting.

Well that would explain why he was so disgusted!


Had he eaten it, that cat poop would have converted into himan poop. But thank god you took it out. Gross.

Well that would explain why he was so disgusted!

Knowing whether or not you actually have a cat could make this FML so much more interesting.

Lobby_Bee 17

I suppose it's hard for a baby to distinguish cat poop and malteaser, hell I just finally got it after all these years of mistake.

On the plus side, he’ll never raid your stash of Tootsie Rolls.

EnvyMe33 26

How did you let your 1 year old out of sight long enough to play in the litter box and stick a cat turd in his mouth?!?

Only takes 30 seconds for something like that to happen. If you're busy trying to make a meal, or take a shit, or get the laundry done, there's more than enough time for a kid to wander off, dig in the cat box, and find something gross. Especially if you've set up a play area and aren't used to the old standard of "When they're noisy, it's perfectly normal. Worry when they go quiet."

Watch for a fever - he may get toxoplasmosis from that.

The best part will be if you don't even have a cat!

I made the mistake of reading FMLs while eating my breakfast