
By Anonymous - 01/06/2018 15:00

Today, my toddler is starting to realize when she has a dirty diaper. How do I know? She walked up to me with a shit covered hand, saying "Poop Mommy! Poop!!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 368
You deserved it 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zekfen 17

It gets better! Next FML from you will be when she realizes she can paint the walls with that poop! So much better than crayons!

At least she is aware of it - that might make potty training slightly easier!


Cuz she thinks 'a poop in the hand is worth two in the diaper'??

At least she is aware of it - that might make potty training slightly easier!

Lobby_Bee 17

Having a child is very life fulfilling, or so I'm told.

Zekfen 17

It gets better! Next FML from you will be when she realizes she can paint the walls with that poop! So much better than crayons!

indienerdgirl 27

My son let us know by taking off his diaper and throwing it at us. Especially when he was in his playpen. 😂 It's definitely potty training time with him lol

Does she have 30 spiteful playmates who love to post pics?

Somebody's becoming aware of her body functions. I think it's time for potty training.

it's all part of the process. get over it.