Bad omen

By weddingblues - 30/05/2011 04:19 - United States

Today, my fiancé informed me he didn't want a regular wedding cake, he wants a Batman cake. I have nothing against this, except that he already decided the wedding theme would be Star Wars. Essentially, I'm marrying a child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 646
You deserved it 23 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're marrying him, you should be well aware of his preferences and behavior, darling...


SkyHiLyfe_808 0

And this news should be nothing new to you. Stop complaining and accept him for the person he is, because he obviously didn't bother you with his childlike behavior before the engagement.

Jazzalyn 10

While not a personal fan of Batman or Star Wars, I don't particularly thing OPs fiance's interests are childish. There's nothing wrong with doing that kind of thing. I mean - well - growing old is mandatory...but growing up is optional :p

Not the wedding cake he deserved, but the wedding cake he needed

almedalove 0

not for me but if it makes you happy then geek out if not then go find a grown up man to be with

hmmm well u dated and "know" the guy so u know what ur getting into. tell him be grown up for once, stfu and on ur wedding anniversary yall will get the batman cake. or better yet when his birthday rolls around give him the star wars theme and the batman cake. not at a wedding.

foxktm90 0

the problem is most people start a relationship with no knowledge of who the other person is. seems to me like dating days is slowly coming to a stop. it has now become a gambling game and surprises like the OP to her fiancé interest are common.

scottymbev 0
mariet_fml 23

Find a compromise, because it sounds like you are rolling over and giving in to all of his demands. You only get one wedding (hopefully) and it should be enjoyable for you both.

Throw in a little LOTR while your at it.

Do nothing as a geek He is He will understeand better than anyone that : The cake is a lie