Bad omen

By pupitre - 18/10/2011 00:16 - Canada

Today, I was at a Chinese restaurant with my boyfriend and his family. After the meal, we all decided to open our fortune cookies and read them out loud. On mine, it said "You will change your mind many times before settling down." I didn't realize what it meant until after I'd read it to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 486
You deserved it 4 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you could have said "and ive already done that in the past, now i have you." :-*

every1luvsboners 11

So, did you eat the damn thing or not? I'm on the edge of my seat here, people.


CVeNgineer 0

You can only imagine what the person who wrote that fortune was going through

Decapitation 3

FMLs are just not what they used to be...

FyreKrotch 1

It should have said "You will post on FML in the near future and no one is going to care.".

leadman1989 15

I read your description and if that is indeed you BRAVO, but what is with that tattoo?

theangel1 3

I wish I had the job of making fortunes I would say some crazyyyyyy shiizzzz.

"You will continue to desire delicious Chinese food"

"you will be hungry again in 30 minutes"

You must not sue us, The duck has horse meat.

If this is what made you think/say FML, then you're a boring MFer! But really, DID you eat it?

"Fortunately" for you, they dont USUALLY become true.

every1luvsboners 11

Never mind, you just changed your pic. I did see noodz for a brief second.

JinxosGirl87 0

This is when you toss it aside and laugh at it

perdix 29

If you or your boyfriend are gullible enough to believe that fortune cookies have any predictive power, you probably should not reproduce.

leadman1989 15

You give off the to catch a predator vibe. Yup you're the Feds.

ikickgingers 15

Mine said "you will have head banging sex with strange man from FML" I knew it was bs. *throws it away* I kid, I kid.

perdix 29

Oh, no, Kicky, that's a TRUE one! They say, "A blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile." Sometimes, when you make a bunch of crazy, wild-ass predictions, some will come true. I'm doing tongue calisthenics in anticipation of making your cookie come true ;)

leadman1989 15

-_- Thanks FML now my previous comment makes no sense this is not where I tired to post it!

ikickgingers 15

I thought you were "drink" again.

perdix 29

Kicky, I wish I understood what that meant. Sounds hot ... I hope it is. If it's not, please lie to me and tell me that it is. I don't mind lies and fake orgasms. If you want to pretend I'm sending you to the moon while I am really boring you shitless, I'm OK with that.

ikickgingers 15

Haha the other day leadman replied to a Comment with something like "I thought that was funny but I am drink" It made me actually lol

You are wicked racist!!!!!!!!! if u change the letters in ikickgingers, it turns into ikicknig**rs. U Racist bag of lettuce