By slut - 29/08/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I finally found out that the tattoo on my lower back means "slut" in Chinese, instead of "good fortune" as I always thought it did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 361
You deserved it 59 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you could make a good fortune being a ****! They don't call it a tramp stamp for no reason!

ZielZone 4

You should get "stupid" in Chinese above it. Then your life would be complete


Well you could make a good fortune being a ****! They don't call it a tramp stamp for no reason!

Good luck at being a **** or getting laid!

I always wanted to get a chinese tattoo that said 'I don't know.'

flockz 19

i always wanted to get a tattoo of a dollar bill on my dick so that way when i'm happy, my money grows.

I have a feeling you should have expected that? Maybe avoid ******* Chinese folks now, or else they'll probably spread STD rumors about you.

lilf13rsc 4

Any lower back tattoo means **** haha

hotPinklipstick 24

28- You should get a hundred dollar bill instead. That way when you get married and your wife wants to blow a hundred she won't have to go too far.

Any tattoo on your lower back says "****", hence the term "tramp stamp".

Don't worry somewhere in China there is a girl with the words "good fortune" on her lower back and she's walking around thinking it says ****

It seems to me that the tattoo artist did it on purpose as a prank :)

Never get a language you don't know tatted on you

You took tramp stamp to a whole new level

Bekeliyr 10

wow this is a so YDI. why the hell do people get tattoos in Chinese? does it look cool or something? it is so overrated

Bekeliyr 10

wow this is a so YDI. why the hell do people get tattoos in Chinese? does it look cool or something? it is so overrated

Getting a tattoo in chinese when you're not Chinese, you don't speak Chinese, or have any intention of learning the language or moving to china is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. As far as I'm concerned you have to have at least one of the qualifications I listed above to get the tattoo and not be considered a dumbass. And another thing, why didn't you research how good fortune in Chinese is actually spelt? You completely deserved it.

Could be worse, my buddy translated one for some chick, hers said "$5 ********"

IDK. I can imagine a few scenarios in which a person who doesn't speak Chinese or Japanese wanting a tattoo in that language. I recall reading an article years ago about a young man with a severe liver disease and was dying for want of a donor. He finally got it, and became curious about the person whose death gave him a second chance at life. All he knew was that the man had died in a car accident, and that he was the son of Chinese immigrants. Years later, he got a tattoo in Chinese that simply said, "Thank You." Tattoos often have deep personal significance to the bearer. In a few months, I will add a little strawberry to a large vine of flowers I have on my leg. Some people may think it's a silly or strange thing to have inked on me. But those close to me know that the strawberry is in memory of my sister, who died last year after fighting severe cerebral palsy & epilepsy all her life. Her favorite treat was strawberry sundaes, and I would bring one to feed to her every time I came to visit. They were a special bonding moment for us, and I know every time I look at that strawberry I will think of those good times we had together and smile through my grief. There are, of course, people who get tattoos without any real meaning or thought behind them. But to assume that ALL people who have a certain type of tattoo are clueless or stupid is a stereotype that cannot, by definition, be true 100% of the time.

Tattoo on ur lower back in chinese...u might as well gotten **** in English

Ahw, that is seriously ****** up. Well, better inform you earlier next time :/

That is exactly why people who aren't Asian shouldn't get any Asian print tattoos! Or wear t-shirts with Asian print. I've heard many stories like these.

Well I know what I am getting this christmas

alexisssssssss 0

Balls. Replied to wrong comment ¬.¬ sorry.

Alup132 22

It's a very cool prank though.

Yeah, YDI. Should've checked what it was before you had it done.

theten_fml 9

Even if it meant "good fortune" FYL

I know someone who got one that he thought said wisdom but his Chinese girlfriend dumped him about it so he checked out what it said it. It turns out it said womaniser

michaelamari 0

It means you deserve it. Don't thumb him down they're only asking a question

newjerseyguy 0

Unless you are Chinese why the hell would you get something tattooed on your body written in Chinese?

Cause it looks cooler than having your tramp stamp say "****" er. I mean. "good fortune"

If it's so cool why don't the Chinese get words in western languages tattooed

I could think of a few reasons: you lost a good friend who was Chinese & you wanted to memorialize him, for example.

-150 Then you'd double check the name of that friend not go and then ask for there name or somethin in another language!

You do realize that when someone gets thumbed down they get a negative besides the number. Unless they equal out in amount of thumbs up and down.

Do you know for a fact that they don't? Maybe some do, who knows. I think it's probably far more likely that what we in the West find attractive & good for a tattoo is different than what people in the East desire for tattoos.

OP, if you're Morgan B, you ******* deserve it and the label fits you perfectly.

KrazyKatz3 26
pepper477 6

go back to the tattoo place! thats really gotta suck :/ kind of ironic though...considering its a tramp stamp. lol

queenoftrash 0

Why go back to the tattoo shop? It's not the artists fault that someone is idiotic enough to get a language they can't speak or understand tattooed onto their body. The tattoo artist didn't make this person get it. I wish people would put more thought into something they will have on their bodies the rest of their lives!

I agree, 91. Unless you were tattooed by an artist who claimed to specialize in Chinese-character tattoos or is himself a native speaker of the language, it would be next to impossible to prove fraud or malice. Caveat emptor.

YDI for getting a tattoo anyway! Those things are not nice!

"Not nice"? ROFL! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my culture, tattoos are important & beautiful. To each their own.

Lesson Learned. Japanese people are evil.

Read the FML again? It says Chinese.

Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!

Lower back tattoos in "Chinese" writing is a little slutty.

sxe_beast 11

By little do you mean MASSIVELY (to epic proportions)?

xixifwadi 0

Damn. That was on my bucket list. To screw up some dumb girls tattoo becaus she got it in a language she can't read! nicely played tattoo man. Nicely played.

The curly tribal-tattoo type designs on the lower back are also commonly known as "**** antlers".

Achall91 17

I don't think that all "tramp stamps" are trashy. My mom has a Chinese tattoo on her back meaning mother.

lol they knew ur fortune was to be a **** someday

they knew good fortune would befall the many guys who saw her tatoo

No matter what the tattoo on the lower back says it still translates to **** in any language.

ZielZone 4

You should get "stupid" in Chinese above it. Then your life would be complete

Any tattoo on the lower back means '****'.

Not true. My cousin has one and she's happily married with two children.

My point is not everyone who has a tramp stamp is a ****.

MrSexyPants 14

She probably got the tattoo before marriage then.

dd809 9

78 not a very valid argument. It just looks trashy.

Well, that's in the eye if the beholder, isn't it? And no, I don't have a lower-back tattoo. I just recognize that my concept of beauty and my concept of trashy is an opinion and not a fact.

leadman1989 15

93 - that's not a valid argument is it? Your subjective view of what is beautiful or what is slutty doesn't actually make it that way. These things are called stereotypes for a reason.

Tramp means **** right? So... it's a **** stamp. Therefore making any tattoo there, a **** tattoo... So, it's like, a tattoo, for *****? See where i am coming from? Either way i personally find that to be one of the most attractive places for a tattoo... beats it being on their shoulder or arm or whatever... it just looks sexier. :P

That argument would work only if the actual industry name for a lower-back tattoo was, in fact, "tramp stamp." That's not the case. Artists & enthusiasts in general do NOT call a lower-back tattoo a "tramp stamp." That is a derogatory term created for the sole purpose of denigrating people who have them. People in the body modification community tend to find it offense (although there are, of course, exceptions to the rule). I've spent a great deal of time in tattoo studios & at conventions, and I've yet to hear anyone say, "yeah, I'm here for a tramp stamp!"

Edit: It's almost 4am, i have no idea what I'm talking about :)

KaitiMarie 0

I have several tattoos...I still consider them "tramp stamps". Besides, what's so great about getting a tattoo in the most stereotypical place EVER?

Please, share with us the wisdom of the BME community and tell us what the approved community name for such a placement is? Sacral Enhancement Tattoo? TOA (Top of Ass) Art? Lower Back Beautification Piece? I've known a lot of women with lower back tats and they were all easy lays. I'd wager that the majority of women who get a tat there do it specifically to call attention to their ass, so maybe it's the human equivalent of "presenting"**. Like women who get a tattoo of something naughty on their tit. It's just an excuse for when someone asks "So, do you have any ink?" they can go "*giggle* yes, but I can't show it to you!" only to haul out their saggy bag of fatty tissue and show it off 5 minutes later. Personally, I like tramp stamps because they give me something to look at while I'm hitting it dawg stylez. Even better if they have their name on there somewhere, in case I've forgotten by that point.

ConstructorTF2 0

OH MY GOD WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT THE **** UP Jeez no one gives a **** about your arguments. Just make fun of her for being stupid and not looking it up first

230: go back & read what I actually wrote. IN GENERAL people don't use that term & there are exceptions to that rule. Not sure how you read "never" in that.