Bad omen

By pupitre - 18/10/2011 00:16 - Canada

Today, I was at a Chinese restaurant with my boyfriend and his family. After the meal, we all decided to open our fortune cookies and read them out loud. On mine, it said "You will change your mind many times before settling down." I didn't realize what it meant until after I'd read it to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 486
You deserved it 4 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you could have said "and ive already done that in the past, now i have you." :-*

every1luvsboners 11

So, did you eat the damn thing or not? I'm on the edge of my seat here, people.


Every time I read a fortune cookie, I always say "in bed" after. It makes the reading of it much more fun. (:

leadman1989 15

I feel so stoopit. I JUST got your picture LMAO. You clever clever shrew.

perdix 29

Until you get the one that says, "You will throw up." And then it comes true.

I'm fairly certain that fortune made him feel awkward. I mean, it pretty much says that she'll move from boyfriend to boyfriend until she finds "the one"... Meaning he probably isn't... O.o

sirhobothesecond 3

Am I the only one that thinks OP is unnecessarily making a big deal about this? I mean, holy shit it's a piece of paper inside a 25 cent cookie written by some creep in a factory. Don't let that shit describe who you are, damn.

purplemnm 9

25 cents is pretty darn expensive for a fortune cookie...

leadman1989 15

Why don't fortune cookies ever say really nasty things? I think it'd be funny "Stop eating this cookie and hit the gym your body will thank you" You -- :0

robo_thunder 13

well since it was on a little piece of paper from a tasteless cookie it must be true.

Vash_41288 10

She is Morpheus... Searching for "The One"

It's a piece of paper in a cookie, not the Oracle at Delphi. They don't even have fortune cookies in China, it's a stupid, albeit tasty gimmick. Just laugh it off and get on with your life.

Do you seriously rely on pieces of paper to tell your fortune? Do you rely on anything to tell your fortune? No one one what your future will be and let it be like that. Take life as it comes and deal with the consequences.

only1starr 0

it only matters if the cookie taste good :3