By Experience - 05/02/2013 20:19 - United States - Waynesfield

Today, my dad opened a Chinese fortune cookie that read, "Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." Now he won't stop calling me Experience. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 008
You deserved it 3 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamabamf 17

Could be worse. My dad just calls me "The Little Bitch."

MrClean17 15

I chuckled when I saw your username OP. It seems you've accepted your fate


iamabamf 17

Could be worse. My dad just calls me "The Little Bitch."

My parents love me and call me my name they gave me at birth.

ThePsyche 9

Edit: replied to a comment that said "H". I guess the moderators took it off, sorry.

ThePsyche 9

Edit: replied to a comment that said "H". I guess the moderators took it off, sorry.

#8 I feel so bad for you I can't believe your parents named you the little bitch. But here's my question is that like just your first name or is like little your middle and bitch your last name.

It could be worse - for the parents. Mine got two mistakes in one pregnancy... Which totaled us kids at seven. Looking on the bright side op, at least they kept you! :)

oj101 33
PInK_ExCiTeD 7

#1 and Op I know how y'all feel. My parents call me "The not wanted"

My father refers to me as number 5 while my mother runs through a whole list of other names before getting to mine... Even boys names

I apologise for threadjacking, but no ones pointed out yet that the "Chinese" fortune was written by Oscar Wilde.

hthelittleone 10

There are way worse things to be called, I can promise you that.

people that disliked are all named ulga

MrClean17 15

I chuckled when I saw your username OP. It seems you've accepted your fate

ThePsyche 9

Your attempt to catch an early comment worked. Unfortunately, it made absolutely no sense.

Mads_1234 28

Don't worry OP, just tell him you gave him a level up.

(You are 2 kids away from reaching level 3. Good luck!)

You must rest and meditate on what you'be learned.

The less you let it bother you, the sooner he'll get bored and let it go

ThePsyche 9

My parents always call me the guinea pig. They say it's because the first child is the trial and error child. /:

My parents never let go of a single chance to tell me that the nurses at the hospital gave them the wrong kid probably...

So next time you mess up big time and he's nad and wants an explanation go, "oh I was just getting some experience."

It definitely makes sense, it just wasnt funny.